Equipment Fabrication

We undertake Marine Equipment Fabrications. We can fabricate complete units and also carry out maintenance and repairs. We have well equipped yards and skilled man power. Our various fabrications works speak for themselves.
Some of areas of specialization in fabrications includes:

  • Houseboats
  • Tug Boats
  • Barges

Since Inception EL- Totuoma International Services LTD Has fabricated and construct the following;-

House Boat

30 man house boat

40 man house boat

50 man house boat

60 man house boat

80 man house boat

100 man house boat

120 man house boat

140 man house boat

Pusher Tug boats

800 horse power(HP)

1000 horse power(HP)

1200 horse power(HP)

Barges of Different capacity

800 Tons ramp and dump barges

1,000 Tons ramp and dump barges

1200 Tons ramp and dump barges

1,500 Tons ramp and dump barges

2,000 Tons ramp and dump barges