Health, Safety & Environment

Our Commitment
We are fully committed to pro-actively managing Health, Safety, Environmental Protection and acting in an ethical and socially responsible manner, in line with stakeholders’ expectations.
Our priority is to protect the health and safety of our people and public, to minimize the environmental impact associated with our activities, to assure positive effects and contribute to sustainable development.
Our Company is committed to:
- Complying with all relevant legislation, regulations and other requirements to which EL-TOTUOMA INTERNATIONAL SERVICES LIMITED subscribes;
- Consulting with all interested stakeholders (including Client, employees, partners, customers, contractors, local communities and industry organisations) to understand and take into account their concerns and expectations;
- Implementing safe working and fitness to work programmes to pursue the goals of eliminating health risks, injuries and damage to the environment or to business assets;
- Minimize adverse impact on the environment;
- Continually promoting awareness of HSE and fostering HSE Culture;
- Adopting a risk-based approach to construction work, ensuring that HSE risks are assessed and managed across the lifecycle for each business activity;
- Maintaining a documented HSE management system which reflects best industry practice and is consistent with legal and regulatory requirements, defining the accountability and responsibilities for HSE within the organisation and including full reporting and review of performance;
- Setting targets for improvement and measuring, appraising and reporting on HSE performance;
- Ensuring that suitable and sufficient resources are in place to manage HSE, providing appropriate training to all personnel and including HSE performance in the appraisal of staff and contractors;
- Expecting every line manager to be fully committed to being a HSE leader, ensuring knowledge and application of HSE requirements and acting with the aim of protecting the health and safety of employees and contractors and preventing environmental pollution;
- Expecting all employees and contractors to recognize their personal responsibility for HSE and the right to openly report any HSE issues of concern. Everyone is encouraged to intervene in the event of unsafe acts or conditions and polluting circumstances, and is empowered to stop work if necessary;
- Conducting a review by the top management of the HSE performances, of the results of HSE audits, of the lessons learnt coming from incidents with the aim to achieve a continual improvement of the HSE management system.